Vote for the future of the web

The Open Web Education Alliance (OWEA) is applying for a Shuttleworth Foundation grant. I'm supporting them, and I'd like to encourage you to do the same.

To help out, visit the Open Web Education Alliance funding bid page, join up, vote and offer some feedback.

What's this all about? permalink

This is about providing a solid, standards-based curriculum that educational institutions can use to prepare students studying web design and development for the realities of the job market. I could go on, but I think Henny Swan does a much better job than I could do in this video:

Convinced? I was pretty sure you would be. In that case, please go vote for them and show your support

Want to know more? permalink

Henny has a great post explaining exactly why this is important.

If you want to see the type of curricula that have been developed, the WaSP InterACT curriculum and the Opera Web Standards Curriculum are a good place to start.

Finally, the InterACT project has just released InterACT With Web Standards, the first in a series of books. You can buy it on or *[WaSP]: Web Standards Project